Kansas City florist Village Gardens was recently recognized by Teleflora, the world’s leading flower wire service, as a President’s Club florist for the year 2011. Teleflora has approximately 16,000 member florists throughout the U.S. and Canada and this prestigious award recognizes Village Gardens as being in the top 1% of all U.S. flower shops sending orders through the Teleflora network. This coveted award stands as a testament to this enterprising florist and their contribution to the floral industry.
Dana Nigro, Village Gardens owner, said as a local florist we can not only fill requests for gift deliveries in our local delivery area. The Teleflora network of florists allows us to send flowers across the U.S. as well as many places throughout the world. This is unique to the floral industry; nobody else can offer same day nationwide delivery. We handle out of town orders just as we would orders in our own backyard and offer the same 100% satisfaction guarantee.
"We saw a trend of customers going to the web to find a florist in the city of delivery but now we are seeing a shift back to calling the local florist" said Nigro. "I think they [customer] feel more comfortable purchasing from somebody they know in their community."
Village gardens is a family owned florist that has been serving the Greater Kansas City community since 1984 and is dedicated to providing only the highest quality flowers. Village Gardens also prides itself on offering extraordinary service. Consumers can place floral orders for same day delivery by contacting Village Gardens at 816-228-9500, 913-661-9339 or ordering online at http://www.villagegardens.com/.
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